All photos in the library are for sale. If you are interested in obtaining a quote, please contact and mention the name of the photo(s) that you would like to purchase. Please scroll to the bottom of the page for purchaser and contributer agreements.
Sea Watch is a UK-based marine environmental research charity concerned with studying and monitoring marine mammal populations and the conservation threats they face. It has a network of photographers drawn particularly from the marine scientific community and distributed around the world (though primarily from within Europe) who work at close quarters with a wide variety of species that are often otherwise little observed. This has resulted in a rich library of fresh images which is continually being updated.
Specialities: Images of marine mammals and birds, with emphasis upon those living in European seas. Also covered are marine conservation threats, North Atlantic coastal scenery, some sharks and turtles.
Size of library: Around 5,000 quality images depicting about 80 species of marine mammal and 30 species of seabird, as well as other pictures of marine life and coastal activities and scenery. We offer a fast digital service by email or CD. We also have a specialist library of marine mammal and seabird video footage.
Contact Details:
Dr Peter G.H. Evans Sea Watch Foundation,Ewyn y Don,
Bull Bay,
Isle of Anglesey
Wales LL68 9SD
Tel:+44(0)1407 832892