WiSe Course: Be wildlife safe in Wales – ONLINE

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The Sea Watch Foundation is pleased to announce that we are collaborating with the WiSe scheme to deliver a course on sustainable wildlife watching in Wales. The waters around the UK are home to a fantastic variety of marine wildlife, whether visible from the shore or from a boat. However, these wild animals are vulnerable to disturbance if not encountered in a manner that respects their wild nature. Sea Watch Foundation and WiSE share the same goal, reducing disturbance to wildlife through training, accreditation and raising awareness. The WiSe Scheme is a simple modular training course aimed primarily at wildlife cruise operators, dive and service boats, yacht skippers and sea kayakers, plus people participating in coasteering, stand-up paddle boarding and wild swimming.  The WiSe Scheme seeks to minimise unintentional disturbance through delivering training/accreditation to operators of registered passenger and charter vessels who wish to view marine wildlife responsibly; delivering training/accreditation to professional practitioners involved in coastal/inter-tidal adventure activities; working with operators of service and support boats that may interact with marine wildlife; and liaising with key conservation agencies and organisations to offer advice and guidance. WiSe has developed Codes of Conduct to promote safe and sustainable watching our our basking sharks, whales, dolphins, seals and seabirds. All WiSe trained individuals have agreed to abide by the appropriate Codes for the wildlife they encounter. A WiSe Scheme boat-sticker, flag and logo are provided for promotional use, along with copies of all Codes of Conduct. This course is currently being delivered in an online format due to Covid-19 restrictions and lasts around 4 hours, split into 2 evening sessions. Course lectures will be given by Sea Watch Foundation Monitoring Officer Katrin Lohrengel and ornithologist Dan Rouse. Advance booking/payment is essential for all courses - Standard WiSe course cost is per attendee is £100 plus VAT (a discount may be available if 3 or more from the same organisation). Please book via the WiSe Website!  
